Month: January 2024

An Interview with Groundbreaking DJ/Producer Ummet Ozcan

Ummet Ozcan is not your typical DJ. He’s spent years producing his own music and mixing electronic melodies with acoustic instrumentation. He brought a twist to techno with a fusion of throat singing and ethnic melodies. He even developed his…

Blush Response: Behind The Sound Zone

Cuban American sound designer, Joey Blush, has been experimenting with audio intelligence for a while now, creating expressions that connect human and machine on another level. He is Blush Response, and the owner of record label Megastructure, based in Germany. …

Understanding AI—Really.

The main opposition to AI in general is the fact that generative AI takes without permission.  In experimenting with our new artificial intelligence technology, a lot of people have leaned towards its darker uses. Of course our curiosity and human…

Triple Shot Review

Curated by Arnold Blum This January, our Triple Shot review presents a tri-llection of electronic dark ambience and funereal rhythmic noise. Triple Shot is posted once a month if we can help it, and the music listed can consist of…

Do You Really Need Management?

Not everyone has the resources or the following required to obtain artist management. If you are one of those people, however, you do not have to give up the hope of building a career just because you can’t afford a…

Knowledge Runs The World, But Wisdom Guaranetees The Empire

There’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom that can become the secret weapon of success for anyone walking this earth; in any relationship, in any industry, in any situation. Our world runs on knowledge today. We have it at our…

Let Your New Doppleganger Stand In For You

The precious Quad Cortex and Neural DSP Plugins use artificial intelligence to learn and generate near-perfect clones of popular amps and tone styles belonging to popular music artists. Many Nashville songwriters are using chatGPS to rewrite songs and get entire…

Five Genius Ways to Self Promote in 2024

Smart online collaborations provide fuel for your self-promotion engine. Just be selective about partnerships that align with your music or art. Pooling resources will save you time and money in your marketing strategies. Hook up with possible partners for 2024,…