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Ocean Of Another’s Newest Album Release

Photo: Dino Možek

One Day This Pain Will Subside. 

It’s the reflective new release from crushing metalcore crew Ocean Of Another. 

The EP went live on streaming platforms March 4th with melodic vocals and pure sonic aggression, sculpting stories of pain, loneliness, and the trauma of the human condition. The album opens with Embrace The Darkness, a toilsome struggle to find one’s way out of withering loneliness. The music is tight and solidly mixed. The band opens up about their deepest wounds and hurts to connect with their audience.

Your new EP, One Day The Pain Will Subside, just came out. Have your influences changed any since the music you put out a year.. two years ago?
It did a little bit to be honest. When I started the band I wanted to play post hardcore/deathcore music but along the way while writing lyrics and forming the band I realized that I absolutely love clean singing. Also when we started writing songs as a team we realized that the sound we all can agree upon is some kind of modern metal/metalcore that we currently reside in. We love good melody but we also love a good breakdown with some heavy vocals. Bad Omens released The Death of Peace of Mind, Silent Planet released Superbloom, Currents released The Death We Seek, Spiritbox released Eternal Blue and those albums heavily influenced us while writing this EP.

You have quite a few videos up on your channel. Can you talk a little bit about how this is an important part of storytelling for your music?

I think that the most important part of any band should be storytelling. Telling stories have always been and I think always will be the most human thing to do. That way we connect and explore the world both outer and inner. I believe that the big part of my own emotional intelligence I owe to different books and movies I have experienced throughout my life. Music videos are extension of your artistic and storytelling vision. Music by itself has an immense value but we are visual beings and great visuals paired with music elevate the whole experience to another level. That’s exactly why we always try give deeper meanings to our videos and why we always try to something differently then the rest of the scene and different then what we did last time. When we write songs we always have general idea and feeling behind the song written down so that we know what we are building towards. That really helps us when writing concepts for videos because we know exactly what we are portraying. We have done things like this since day one.

How close to you is some of the subject matter? When I listen to the new EP, I’m hearing some really identifiable human suffering here. “I hate that I’m defined by all the times I fell apart”…. I like that one. Very rooted stuff we all feel and not many like to talk about out loud.

Oh thank you, I like that one myself. I think it’s a really elegant way to capture the feeling I had at the time of the writing (not to toot my own horn or anything haha). Well all the stuff I write about is to some extent based on my own experiences or the experiences of the people in my life. My time growing up was let’s say interesting and it left me with a lot of unresolved trauma and pain. It took me almost 30 years to speak up about it and admit to myself that I indeed might have a problem that I need help with. My fiancé was an important part of healing process, her kindness and love made me want to be a better person and to resolve my own issues and pain so that I can be better human being and a partner. I am not quite there yet but I am working towards it and I can see more light pushing the darkness away. With lyrics I write I only wish to speak out to show others that this pain that you carry around that make you do crazy stuff is something that we all feel to a certain extent. You are not alone and the pain will not win reach out and please be kind to yourself.

What is the emotionally darkest song on the EP, in your opinion?

I think that would be ‘’ I am but a Memory ‘’ this is a about a friend who tried to commit suicide sometime ago, luckily he did not succeed. He is a truly wonderful and kind person and it shook me to my core to realize the depths of pain and loneliness he was going through. Especially after the act, he was really shaken by the fact that the people closest to him saw those chasms of trauma he has been carrying around for too long and now had to face them in the most unpleasant way possible. Also it changed the way the people looked at him because from their own perspective they could not understand what drove him to do what he did. That’s why the chorus starts with ‘’Take all these broken pieces of a memory, put them back together in the shape of me’’ it’s kind of his way of trying to return to the previous status quo. He seems to be better today and I really hope he stays that way. He is now surrounded by people who love him and I honestly hope he knows and feels that.  

A big thank you to Ocean Of Another for giving an honest and refreshing account of their newest EP. You can find the new album here:

Visit Ocean Of Another to follow on YouTube, Facebook and Spotify.