Idol Throne Brings Back Neck-Snapping Thrash
Photo: Kyle Bergfors
Founded in 2018 by two veteran guitarists with an ambition for playing live, Idol Throne will be releasing its newest, A Clarion Call, on May 31st. Idol Throne is the epitome of that sound seasoned metalheads love; thrashy with a side of prog and heavy on the solos. Aaron Grove is strong on the drums, and Jake Quintanilla’s vocals are pristine. Bassist Trevor comes from the Chicago death metal scene, and of course, Martin Bowman and Jason Schultz are both fantastic guitarists.
The Indiana based band will be releasing through Stormspell Records.
I hear a bit of Bay Area Thrash in your music style; especially in System Simulacrum. Do you guys have any favorite inspirations from that genre?
Thanks for picking up on that! One of the founding principles that my co-guitarist Martin and I put forward when we started Idol Throne back in 2018 was the pursuit of a blend of Bay Area Thrash Metal and US Power Metal. I always trace my musical roots back to bands like Testament, Metallica, Forbidden, Heathen, and Exodus and I wanted to do something musically that had that sense of momentum and aggression, very riff focused, while also maintaining a sense of melody overall. That willingness to go for epic parts and complex songs really rubbed off on us. We also love and have been influenced by European bands that picked up on the Bay Area ethos like Paradox and Artillery.
You're releasing this with Stormspell Records.. they seem to back a lot of great metal bands. How did you get hooked up with them?
I have been a fan of Stormspell for a while now, and in the lead up to the release of our first album The Sibylline Age in 2022, I reached out to several labels and sent them the album with the hope of partnering up. Iordan, the owner of Stormspell, got back to me and had a lot of enthusiasm for the record. I could tell that he listened to it, and really believed in what we were trying to do. That meant a lot to us and still does, which is why it was a no-brainer reaching out to him again when it was time to release A Clarion Call. He has been great to work with, and really “gets” this type of music and has a genuine enthusiasm that seems to be lacking in a lot of the industry.
I hope you guys are planning on a tour.. are you? When and where? If not, can we talk you into it?
We would love to get to as many new places as we can in the coming years. We have had the great opportunity to play several of the premiere fests in the Midwest US including Blades of Steel and Legions of Metal, and many more shows in our part of the country. I have my eye set on Mile High Power Fest in Denver and Hyperspace Festival in the Pacific Northwest if the opportunity arises! With that said, we are open to anything, and I sincerely hope we get the chance to play in Europe and beyond in the near future!
Cover art: Mark Erskine
A big Thank You to the guys of Idol Throne, and I’m ecstatic that I got to be one of the first to hear this great music! I can guarantee this album is an amazing masterpiece of thrash and power metal. You can find and pre-order their upcoming album A Clarion Call at their bandcamp page.
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