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Purple Dreams from The Past Lives

Courtesy of The Past Lives

In this era of auto-tuned vocals and trendy beats, Austin based The Past Lives are a breath of fresh air. Their new EP Purple Dreams is a time capsule transporting listeners to the glory days of funk, soul, and unabashedly groovin’ tunes.

The second the needle drops, the band’s sound bleeds an intoxicating vintage vibe. They supplemented their first track, All Night, with a music video that plays out like a B Indie film. The song itself is sentimental magic, kicking off with a punchy bassline straight out of the 70s funk playbook. It encompasses the feel for the whole EP. Neptune’s vocals sizzle on all the songs, blending beautifully with nostalgic sounds. The band showcases a really tight chemistry in the physical performances when playing together for their music video productions. They’re really fun to watch; The Past Lives embrace a fusion of new and old aesthetics while crafting a fun, driving groove. They’ve adeptly modernized their vintage sound without losing its delightfully nostalgic appeal.

As an unsigned act, The Past Lives’ indie spirit really shines. Purple Dreams is a reminder that sometimes the best new music stems from revering the past’s untamed spirit. Check out their new EP here:

Follow their YouTube channel to see more.