Elevar Music Magazine

Music Business News and Heavy Metal Reviews

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Month: August 2024

The Esoteric Sounds of Hvile I Kaos: Lower Order Manifestations

Bow of the Beast: Kakaphonix’s Infernal Symphony “Lower Order Manifestations” In the hushed sanctuary of my office, dusk rolled in through the window with a blue haze to settle over my walls; walls adorned with my own art crafted from…

Telling Secrets: Vik Kovacs’ Confessional Debut

In the cacophonous jungle of modern rock, Telling Secrets emerges as a one-man symphony, orchestrated by the enigmatic Vik Kovacs. He unleashed “Telling Secrets I” last month; June 2024. Kovacs, a musical chameleon who shape-shifts between London’s gritty streets and…